BEE in aviation
Sakeliga v Lisensieraad vir Lugdienste
Sakeliga v Air Services Licensing Council
Begin / Start
Nov 12, 2024
Tipe / Type
Litigasie / Litigation
Hooggeregshof: Pretoria
Hofstukke geliasseer
Application filed
Volgende hofdatum
Sakeliga is deur rolspelers in die plaaslike lugvaartindustrie genader oor die Lisensieraad vir Lugdienste se aandrang op BEE-sertifikate en transformasieplanne. Daar word op 'n skynbaar onwettige wyse van lugvaartoperateurs vereis om hul tot BEE te verbind. Lugvaartoperateurs sluit lugrederye in en enige persoon wat 'n diens (soos gifbesproeiïng vir landbou) deur lugvaart lewer. Die lisensiëringsraad vereis dat lugvaartoperateurs eienaarskap aan B-BBEE vennote afstaan en dreig dat die lugrederye by gebreke daartoe nie in aanmerking sal kom vir lisensies om te kan vlieg nie. Die relevante wetgewing maak nie daarvoor voorsiening nie en die raad tree buite hul magte op. Arbitrêre BEE vereistes maak dit moeiliker om in die bedryf besigheid te doen, skep groot regsonsekerheid en stoot kostes op. Sakeliga het daarom litigasie begin om die Lisensieraad se transformasie en BEE-beleide onwettig te laat verklaar.
Sakeliga was approached by local aviation industry players about the Air Services Licensing Council's insistence on BEE certificates and transformation plans. Aviation operators are required in an apparently illegal manner to commit to BEE. Aviation operators include airlines and any person who provides a service (such as poison irrigation for agriculture) by aviation. The Council requires aviation operators to cede ownership to B-BBEE partners and threatens that the airlines will otherwise be ineligible for licenses. The relevant legislation does not provide for BEE requirements and the Council is acting outside their powers. Arbitrary BEE requirements by the Council makes it harder to do business in the industry. It also creates legal uncertainty and increases costs. Sakeliga therefore started litigation to have the Council's transformation and BEE policies declared unlawful.