Sakeliga v Minister van Gesondheid en Andere
Sakeliga v Minister of Health and Others
Die Minister van Gesondheid se gesondheisregulasies van 4 Mei 2022, kragtens die Nasionale Gesondheidswet gemaak, het ‘n nuwe tydvak van staatsinmenging en gesondheidsmonitering ingelyf. Dit het gepoog om met kriminele strafmaatreëls besighede, kerke, skole, ekspo’s, stadions en ander entiteite in die burgerlike samelewing te dwing om mense in klasse op grond van inentingstatus te verdeel en tussen hulle te diskrimineer. Besighede is ingespan as moniteringsagente van die staat om diskriminerende gesondheidsmaatreëls teen hul wil op hul kliënte af te dwing.
Sakeliga is dadelik hof toe om die nuwe gesondheidsmoniteringsregime te takel en om te verhoed dat dit veranker word in verdere staatsbeleide. Weens die druk van Sakeliga en andere se hofsake teen die gesondheidsregulasies, het die Minister kort daarna die grootste en mees aanvegbare dele van sy 4 Mei-regulasies herroep. Die hofsaak duur egter voort, en fokus nou op die oorblywende regulasies en die onaanvaarbare skyn van 'n openbare konsultasieprosesse wat gevolg is. Die voortgesette regsaksie blokkeer die regering voortaan om te probeer om gesondheidmoniteringsmaatreëls op besighede, kerke, skole en andere af te dwing.
The Minister of Health’s health regulations of 4 May 2022, made in terms of the National Health Act, heralded a new era of state interference and health monitoring. It was aimed at compelling businesses, churches, schools, expos, stadiums and other entities in civil society through criminal punitive measures to divide people into classes based on vaccination status and to discriminate among them. Businesses were used as monitoring agents of the state to enforce discriminatory health measures on clients against their will.
Sakeliga approached the court to challenge the new health monitoring regime and to prevent it from being entrenched in further state policies. Owing to the pressure of court cases initiated by Sakeliga and others against the health regulations, the Minister shortly thereafter withdrew the major and most controversial parts of his 4 May regulations. The court case, however, is continuing and the focus now is on the remaining regulations and the unacceptable semblance of a public consultation process having been followed. The continued legal action is preventing the government from trying to enforce health monitoring measures on businesses, churches, schools and others in future.