Sakeliga v Die Onafhanklike Kommuikasieowerheid van Suid-Afrika
Sakeliga v Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
Nuwe regulasies van die Onafhanklike Kommunikasie-owerheid van Suid-Afrika plaas 'n regstreekse verpligting op alle ondernemings in die telekommunikasie- en internetdienstesektor om streng BEE-vereistes oor aandeelhouding teen 2024 te haal. By gebreke daartoe, sal ondernemings, klein en groot, boetes in die gesig staar en hul lisensies kan verbeur.
Sakeliga onderneem hier litigasie teen die nuwe regulasies om die skakel tussen verpligte BEE enersyds, en lisensiëring andersyds te breek. Deelname en bevordering van BEE mag onder geen omstandighede 'n vereiste wees om sake te doen en handel te dryf nie.
New regulations of the Independent Communication Authority of South Africa place a direct obligation on all businesses in the telecommunication and internet services sector to meet stringent BEE requirements for shareholding by 2024. In the compliance, businesses, big and small alike, will face fines and may forfeit their licences.
Sakeliga is initiating litigation against the new regulations to break the link between mandatory BEE on the one hand and licensing on the other hand. Participation in and promotion of BEE should under no circumstances be a requirement to do business and to conduct trade.